Attendance Visualization System (AVS)

Effectively monitors the attendance of operators with real time attendance visualization, and efficiently finds suitable replacement for absent operators with skill matching features.


System Features


Skill Matching Capability
Assigning the correct person to the job maintains product quality.

Real Time Attendance Visualization
Enables fast action to be taken when there is sudden absenteeism.

Manpower Traceability
Better management and traceability of operator based on each time slot and production running.

Minimizes Loss Cost and Prevents Quality Issue
Production loss cost is minimized and quality issue can be prevented with efficient manpower arrangement in production floor.

1Skill Database

The system proposes operators with the required skill, making manpower arrangement swift and easy.

2Real Time Attendance Visualization

Shows the status of each operator’s attendance immediately after clocking in at clock machine.

3Displays Absentee Ratio

Absentee ratios are not only available for the total area, but also line by line.

4Exports Reports

LITE version exports reports to CSV format, while the Professional version generates Crystal Reports.

5Autogenerates Daily Production Plan

Production plan can be generated automatically using the master plan, or manually if a re-arrangement is required.

6Integrates with External Applications

The system is able to integrate with card reader application and line down application.